Celebrating Sibling Bonds at Woolley Firs with BBWOT

Celebrating Sibling Bonds at Woolley Firs with BBWOT

On Saturday 28 September 2024, Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice organised a special Siblings Day at Woolley Firs Environmental Education Centre near Maidenhead. This event offered a wonderful opportunity for the siblings of the babies, children, and families we...
Local cadets organise fun day for siblings

Local cadets organise fun day for siblings

On Saturday 10th June, we had the pleasure of hosting cadets from 5 Platoon Welsh Guards Maidenhead for a fun-filled day for siblings. The cadets took the lead in organising the day, which began with a parade followed by a demonstration on personal camouflage and...
Alexander Devine unveils two new patrons

Alexander Devine unveils two new patrons

We are proud to announce that the Constable and Governor of Windsor Castle, Phil Jones CB CBE DL, and his wife Denise have become patrons of our charity. Our CEO and Co-Founder, Fiona Devine, asked the couple to be patrons in response to their dedicated and committed...