Alexander Devine unveils two new patrons

We are proud to announce that the Constable and Governor of Windsor Castle, Phil Jones CB CBE DL, and his wife Denise have become patrons of our charity.
Our CEO and Co-Founder, Fiona Devine, asked the couple to be patrons in response to their dedicated and committed support for our charity since the couple moved to Windsor last summer.
As well as helping Alexander Devine with fundraising, they also have keenly supported many of the charity’s events, including its annual Windsor Santa Dash. The couple also hosted a special event on Friday 16th June for the charity and its supporters in the beautiful Moat Garden in the Norman Tower at Windsor Castle, an area not usually open to the public.
Delighted that Phil and Denise have agreed to become patrons, Fiona Devine shared how their friendship is greatly valued by the charity:
“From the very first time we met Phil and Denise, it was clear they have a passion for our charity’s mission and really understood the vital need for a local children’s hospice service.
Our charity’s values are at the heart of all we do, what we stand for and what we believe in. It is something we very much look for in our patrons and we recognise these qualities in Phil and Denise.
I know that as Alexander Devine’s patrons they will bring so much value to our charity, not just through their generosity to help us raise the vital funds we need, but equally with their experience and connections to help us as we drive forward with growing our children’s hospice service to meet the demand we are facing.
We are absolutely delighted they have agreed to become our patrons and we are very grateful for their continued and special friendship.”
Commenting on his new role as patron, Phil Jones said:
“Denise and I are deeply honoured to be able to offer our support to Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Service in this way, a vitally important cause which should sit very close to all of our hearts.”
Alexander Devine’s Founder Patron is Sir Michael Parkinson CBE. The charity now has twelve patrons including John Barley BEM, owner of Nirvana Spa, Air Marshall Sir Ian Macfdyen CB OBE, former Constable and Governor of Windsor Castle, and award-winning chocolatier and pastry chef Mark Tilling.
Need our help?
The word hospice should not seem scary and getting support from us doesn’t have to mean a child’s death is imminent. Helping to enrich the lives of the children and their families is at the heart of our service, our end of life and bereavement support is just a part of what we do.
Our children’s hospice service covers the whole of Berkshire and into surrounding counties. If you think your child may be eligible for our services, please do get in touch.
Copyright © 2019 Alexander Devine Children's Hospice Service. UK Registered Charity No. 1118947.