by Susie Patterson | Aug 19, 2020 | News
Five friends set off on an ambitious 100 mile bike ride on Sunday 16 August to raise vital funds for our children’s hospice service The organiser was James Killian, a business development manager at Pythagoras Communications in Maidenhead, which has supported...
by Susie Patterson | Jul 10, 2020 | News
This week in #MeetTheTeam, we hear from a member of our Care Team who has arguably the best job….and that’s to help the children we support have different opportunities to play and have FUN! Catherine Northup is one of our Alexander’s Play Specialists. In this week’s...
by Susie Patterson | Jun 26, 2020 | News
It is difficult to describe just how valuable our Clinical Nurse Specialists are to the families that we support, even more so during this pandemic. But this quote from one of our Mums, ShamBhavi, truly echoes what many Alexander Devine families feel about the...
by Susie Patterson | Jun 25, 2020 | News
Staff and pupils at Manor Green School in Maidenhead have taken up the challenge to swim 1 length for every child with a life-limiting and life-threatening condition that is currently supported by Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Service. They will be swimming a...
by Susie Patterson | Jun 25, 2020 | News
Music therapist, Anouska Henderson, explains how she has managed to continue providing music therapy to Alexander Devine children during lockdown: “When the country went into lockdown it was uncertain how I would be able to continue to provide music therapy for the...